I need your help! I can't do this without your help. I need contributions for things such as gas & yard signs. Some events require a fee. Anything you could give is greatly appreciated.
I am running on Clean Elections, maximum contribution allowed is $210.00
Thank you
I am a strong advocate of Vocational Education
I believe Legislative District 6 would greatly benefit by encouraging our youth to learn a trade. The next step would be to assess what opportunities are available for the graduates and what industries we need to invite into our region. Some would choose to be entrepreneurs and create their own opportunity as well as, in time, opportunities for others. This would improve our local economy.
What is vocational training?
Vocational training refers to instructional programs or courses that focus on the skills required for a particular job function or trade. In vocational training, education prepares students for specific careers, disregarding traditional, unrelated academic subjects. Sometimes called Vocational Education and Training or Career and Technical Education, vocational training provides hand-on, job-specific instruction, and can lead to certification, a diploma or even an associate's degree. Students typically require vocational training to prepare for trades including, but not limited to:
Automotive repair
Culinary arts
Graphic design
Fashion design
Protect our Veterans
We have the great honor of having great hero's in our region. After studying the Navajo language (not that I am doing great at it) I have great respect for the Navajo Code Talkers. I have had the honor of listening to stories at times from veterans. I wish I could have served this great nation in that manner. We need to treat our veterans with respect. We need to make certain they have access to the care they need.
Protecting our 2nd Amendment
Our Founding Fathers spent a lot of time and effort on the Constitution. The Second Amendment is clear & easy to understand. "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and does anything that defies the Constitution should be held accountable.
Border Security
We need to tightly control our borders. There should be no way for drugs, terrorists & human trafficking to be able to come across our borders. If families want to come to America to become productive American citizens, there are procedures to follow. People have been welcomed into this country as long as we have been a nation. It isn't racist to ask people to follow the rules that are in place. It is unfair to allow some people to bypass the rules while others are required to follow the rules.
Election Integrity
We have seen enough evidence from the States that there were voter irregularities throughout the 2020 & 2022 elections. We must protect the sanctity of one of our most important institutions. We must restore voter confidence by eliminating corruption, increasing legislative oversight, cleaning voter rolls, and reforming our vote-by-mail system. We must have security systems in place to identify tainted ballots. To simplify the system, perhaps we ought to return the masses to in-person voting with two forms of identification. This would exclude people who need to vote by mail such as active duty service members and college students.
First Responders
I feel District 6 is desperately in need of improved Infrastructure.
This region is an important entry to the State of Arizona. First impression is important. People coming into our state see roads that are in need of repair, that isn't a good impression. I talk to people that tell me they have no address & live on roads with no name. School busses drive on dirt roads. in wet weather this takes a toll on the unpaved roads. There is no reason for any Arizona residents to still be living in the 19th century. Several people are dependent on hauling water to their homes with not enough water sources. In times of pandemic as well as flu season, the most important factor is proper hand washing. If you don't have enough water you tend to re-use water that should have been thrown out. This is how cross contamination happens. We need to push for Northern and Eastern Arizona to get the treatment that is the norm in most of Arizona.
The Declaration Of Independence states that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Several million Americans have been denied the most simple of these rights. Through infanticide, known as abortion, we have, as a nation, withheld the right to life from so many. Those who were not allowed to live could have contributed unknown wonders to our world. How many Albert Einsteins were not allowed to be born? How many great inventors? How many great athletes? Possibly the one who would cure cancer. We will never know the wonders we have missed due to the infanticide that has been a cancer to our Great Nation.
Arizona's Agriculture
Here in Arizona, looking after our agriculture is a job we need to take seriously. We need to safeguard Arizona's Agricultural land from urban sprawl and development. It is important to promote sustainable farming practices that protect the environment. We should support Arizona farmers and ranchers through subsidies and other initiatives where needed. It is important to encourage Arizonans to buy local produce and products whenever possible.
We must preserve the unique culture of Arizona's agricultural heritage
Climate Change
If it's cold, put on a jacket before going out. If it's warm out, go enjoy the awesome activities Arizona has to offer. Go out and get some fresh air while camping, golfing, or fishing. If you are one that enjoys bicycling, there are lots of beautiful areas around this great state to enjoy. If you like to hike, Arizona has more hiking trails than you could experience in a lifetime. Get out & water ski if that is what you enjoy. Arizona is one of the few places you could snow ski in the morning & water ski in the afternoon. Whatever you enjoy, Arizona has the climate for it. Except, I haven't been successful at deep sea fishing yet.
Parental Rights
Schools forcing children to be taught through the lens of Critical Race Theory or other forms of Critical Theory such as Critical Gender Theory are stripping the individuality of their students and replacing it with a a collectivist group identity. Critical Race Theory is a progressive means to label the white race “oppressors” and the black race “oppressed.” It is a method used to divide people based on the color of their skin. The post-Marxist ideology is against parental desires and must not be allowed as a lens through which our educators educate in any school. I support common sense legislation that keeps the parents firmly in charge of what their children are taught in our schools. I support common sense legislation that supports school choice. When it comes to education – parental engagement is not the problem, it is the solution.
We need to make sure our first responders have the tools and knowledge needed to complete their tasks. Whether it's our firemen, law enforcement, EMTs or paramedics. We need them to be able to do the tasks they are expected to accomplish. We need to make sure these areas are properly funded & shown the respect they so greatly deserve.
I need your help! I can't do this without your help. I need contributions for things such as gas & yard signs. Some events require a fee. Anything you could give is greatly appreciated.
I am running on Clean Elections, maximum contribution allowed is $210.00
Thank you